I’d like to talk about it, but I can’t

In writing this blog, I find more and more that I have a conflict which I need to deal with when deciding what topics to focus on. This conflict relates to the fact that my job at Telstra gives me many inspirations for great posts, either about the issues we face, or about the way the company is managed and run.

My conflict is that, even though this blog is my own personal blog, if I do post articles about these topics, I feel that many readers will associate my comments with Telstra, and interpret what I say as illustrating the internal workings of the company. I feel that in the majority cases this would not be acceptable as I would be revealing information that should be kept confidential, or providing a view of the internal machinations of the organisation which should not be revealed.

Is this view of mine that “what happens internally at work, stays internal” misguided, or am I right to feel that way that I do?